#12 Madame Architect with Julia Gamolina

Julia Gamolina is the founder and editor of Madame Architect, an online platform celebrating women in architecture from different generations, countries, and corners of the industry.  Her goal for Madame Architect is that readers will be able to find encouragement and guidance for their own pursuits, and empathy and understanding for the pursuits of others.  

Julia is also a Business Developer at FX Collaborative and has experience in both communications and design.  She has been a contributor to ArchiteXX's Sub_teXXt for the past four years, is the Co-Chair of ULI New York’s Young Leaders Group Communications Committee and is on the AIANY Women in Architecture Committee.

In this episode, Julia shares the story of why she founded Madame Architect and her goal of showcasing as many women in the architecture field as possible, as well as her journey from being a designer to working in business development. We also bond over our shared experiences of crying in the bathroom after tough reviews during architecture school.

Learn more about Madame Architect and Julia at: www.madamearchitect.org



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